How to promote your app/project/website on Reddit

By posting in the right Subreddits, you can get a ton of exposure quickly

I recently built Cryo - Cold Shower App on the iOS App Store with Chan. Without any paid advertising, we were able to get over 400 downloads from the App Store in just a week and over 40,000 impressions (definitely need to work on that conversion rate though). Reddit was our main marketing channel and I'll detail the best strategy for getting exposure through Reddit.

Cryo on the app store

Common mistakes

Not tailoring your posts for different Subreddits

The biggest mistake I often see is when people copy-paste submission titles and discussions to different Subreddits. You need to realize is that each Subreddit has its own unique culture and not altering the content of your submission can appear spammy and in poor taste. There's nothing Redditors hate more than blatant advertising (check out r/hailcorporate).

Not following Subreddit-specific rules

Reddit mods are aware that advertisers are trying to game the system through Geurilla Marketing tactics. So, a lot of Subreddits have rules and you should play by them. Bots will automatically delete posts that don't follow them. For example, some Subreddits require posts to have a flair for categorization. Others might disallow all link submissions or require users to have a certain amount of Karma. Briefly read the FAQs for each Subreddit.

Engage with the community

Frequently respond to and upvote comments. Don't act like a corporate bot - act human.

How to write and structure your posts

As I mentioned in the common mistakes section, submissions need to be tailored for each Subreddit. I recommend looking through some of the top posts of the day and getting a feel for that Subreddit's culture.

For example, if you're posting an app on r/sideproject, you should give the impression that you are a hobbyist. If you want to post your app on a programming Subreddit like r/iOSProgramming, it's wise to come from an educational angle ("I built X while learning technology Y") rather than a "Check out my awesome new app!".

I categorized the Subreddits I was going to promote Cryo into two: 1) project-related and 2) interest-related. Project-related Subreddits are ones that are geared primarily for show-casing indie software products like r/sideproject, r/indiehackers, r/InternetIsBeautiful, and various programming Subreddits. For project-related Subreddits, I highlighted the technical and educational aspects of Cryo like what software I used for the frontend and backend and different learnings.

Interest-related Subreddits are ones that are the target audiences for your project. Cryo is an app for making progress with cold showers and cold showers are associated with the discipline and biohacking communities (my target audiences). These Subreddits include r/ColdShowers, r/GetDisciplined, and r/GetMotivated. For my interest-related Subreddits, I highlighted the features of Cryo rather than its technical aspects.

The best Subreddits to post in

Here's a list of good project-related Subreddits to post in. Don't spam and be respectful of the Subreddits' rules.

iOS-specific Subreddits

Android-specific Subreddits

Web-specific Subreddits